Voicemail Transcript:
Sent from John Krasinski to Emily Blunt, Nov 28 @ 10:43AM.
"Emily, hi, good morning. You're probably busy doing all sorts of cool British, pretty girl things... Shit, um, pretend I said something more charming than that. Anyway, everybody told me I should wait three days - not that I've been talking to everybody about you or anything... I mean, not because I don't want to -- Oh boy, let me start over here. I just wanted to say I had a really good time with you and as much as I enjoyed watching you handle a gun, I was thinking maybe you'd like to go somewhere a little nicer with me? We could have dinner, there's a really good popup restaurant Angela was telling me about that's one night only and it sounded, you know, a little more romantic and without the loud noises and inherent violence. Would you maybe like to go with me? God, I'm so bad at these, I never know how to end them, but did I mention I had an amazing time with you last night? Hope to hear back from you soon and I'm sorry I didn't... Well, couldn't wait the eternity of three entire days. Okay, they're calling me to set so I guess I'll end this before it gets embarrassing. Okay okay, more embarrassing.

[Long pause]

This is John, by the way."

Voicemai Transcript:
Sent from JK to Em on March 12 @ 5:14PM.
"Hey you. I just found one of your favorite books on my nightstand, and I'm pretty sure those are your dresses in the closet, unless I did more drunk shopping last week when you plied me with all that booze to have your way with me -- that's right, I'm onto you -- and it all made me miss you lots today. Do you wanna have Mexican takeout tonight? I'll even get those Churros you love so much. Oh, and did you buy new sheets for my bed? I'm pretty sure they weren't that soft before. Still not as soft as you, though.

[Shy laughter, barely audible]

Right, mom's calling so I gotta go. I love you. I'll see you soon, babe."

05/12/13     08:14:22

Today 12:42 PM
You seem excited! What's up?
Guess! Here's a hint: it's about the wedding.
Baby, we talked about this, Finn can't be the ring bearer. You know he'll swallow it and I'm just not sure I can wear a poop ring!
Very funny but no, although I'm still not giving up on him, okay. But guess who got all the flower arrangements finalized all by himself?
Was it Finn?
God, I want to point out you're lucky I love you but we both know who the lucky one is -- and don't you dare say Finn. Though he is pretty lucky to have a mum like you.

went out with felicity, didn't want to wake you or the baby. don't forget to take vi to her mummy & me group this morning!
xo, your loving wife

babe, we need:
baby wipes
school notebooks for the girls
no tears shampoo for you know who
a new ribcage for your wife
maybe gary